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Use Rose Bot To Manage Your Super Groups And Channels


 Welcome back to Telegram teacher @Codeline-iNT Telegram Department.

Mostly known Rose bot 

In today's tutorial am going to teach you how you can use Rose bot to help you do bulk stuffs like welcome messages to new members. And external links removing to avoid sacmmers.

To use rose bot to control your super group.

The following things must be done.

Add @rose_rosebot in your group or channel

Promote it to admin and give it the rights to perform admin duties there.

Keep checking for these commands that will guide you while using the bot or use the /help in the bot chat and you will get them directly into your telegram conversation and copy them there.

Base Commands for rose

👮🏻 Available to Admins&Moderators

🕵🏻 Available to Admins

👮🏻 /reload updates the Admins list and their privileges.

🕵🏻 /settings lets you manage all the Bot settings in a group.

👮🏻 /ban lets you ban a user from the group without giving him the possibility to join again using the link of the group.

👮🏻 /mute puts a user in read-only mode. He can read but he can't send any messages.

👮🏻 /kick bans a user from the group, giving him the possibility to join again with the link of the group

👮🏻 /unban lets you remove a user from group's blacklist, giving them the possibility to join again with the link of the group.

👮🏻 /info gives information about a user

👮🏻 /infopvt is the same of /info, but sends infos in private chat

◽️ /staff gives the complete List of group Staff.

Advanced Commands

🕵🏻 Available to Admins

👮🏻 Available to Admins&Moderators

🛃 Available to Admins&Cleaners.


👮🏻 /warn adds a warn to the user

👮🏻 /unwarn removes a warn to the user

👮🏻 /warns lets you see and manage user warns

🕵🏻 /delwarn deletes the message and add a warn to the user

🛃 /del deletes the selected message

🛃 /logdel deletes the selected message and sends it to the Log Channel

◽️ /me sends in private chat a message with his own infos, group infos, warns received, rules of the group, banned words list...

🕵🏻 /send permits to send a post using HTML in the group, through the Bot

  ➡️ Example: /send Hello World!

👮🏻 /intervention lets you request the intervention of a member of Official Bot Support, who will join the group as soon as possible

Expert commands

👥 Available to all users

👮🏻 Available to Admins&Moderators

🕵🏻 Available to Admin

👥 /geturl, by replying to a message (via reply) and writing this command, you receive the link that refers directly to that message.

🕵🏻 /inactives [days] sends in private chat the list of users who have not sent a message in the last [days], with the possibility of punish them.

Pinned Messages

🕵🏻 /pin [message] sends the message through the Bot and pins it.

🕵🏻 /pin pins the message in reply.

🕵🏻 /editpin [message] edits the current pinned message (if sent from the Bot).

🕵🏻 /delpin removes the pinned message.

🕵🏻 /repin removes and pins again the current pinned message, with notification!

👥 /pinned refers to the current pinned message.

🕵🏻 /list sends in private chat the list of users of the group with the number of messages sent by them.

🕵🏻 /list roles sends in private chat the list of all the special roles assigned to users

🕵🏻 /graphic sends a graph showing the trend of the group members.

🕵🏻 /trend sends the group's growth statistics.

Follow this to add rose to your telegram group.

Open up your Telegram client of choice

Do a user search for user @MissRose_bot (see note below)

View Rose's profile, and click the 3-button menu in the top right corner and select the “Add to group” option, then choose your group.

Congratulations! You've added Miss Rose to your group

Then head to the administrator and promote her to administrator and give her admin rights to be in your group.

NOTEDuring Step #2, you may see other bots or users with similar names or usernames. Make sure you only add the bot with the username @MissRose_bot, others are just fake bots that won't work for you!

Advanced Greeting Settings

In addition to having Rose greet and bid farewell to users with a message, there are also some more advanced greeting options. These options give you some extra control over what happens to users when they first join your group chat, as well as what actions Rose takes.

Cleaning Service Messages

When a user joins your group chat, even if you've disabled welcomes from Rose, Telegram itself still gives a service message showing that a user has joined or left the group.

These service messages look like this:


Enable Service Message Cleaning

You can have Rose delete these service message by issuing either of the following commands:

/cleanservice on

/cleanservice yes

Disable Service Message Cleaning

Conversely, if you want her to leave the service messages alone, you can issue either of the following commands:

/cleanservice off

/cleanservice no

Cleaning Welcome Messages

While it can be great to have Rose greet your users, if your group chat is very active, or you have many users joining per day, Rose's welcome messages can get out of hand. Imagine having to scroll up constantly just to see the real conversation, what a hassle! We can fix this by cleaning up Rose's welcome messages. With this setting, Rose will automatically delete her old welcome messages after she welcomes a new user into your group chat.

Enable Welcome Message Cleaning

You can enable this setting by issuing either of the following commands:

/cleanwelcome on

/cleanwelcome yes

Disable Welcome Message Cleaning

To disable this setting, issue either of the below commands:

/cleanwelcome off

/cleanwelcome no

Verifying New Users Are Human

Rose can use your greetings to help you fight spam bots that may attempt to join your group chat. This setting mutes all new users to your chat until they click on a button to unmute themselves. This can help prove they're not a bot!

Enabling Human Verification

To enable this setting, issue either of the below commands:

/welcomemute on

/welcomemute yes

Disabling Human Verification

If you want to disable it, issue either of the following commands:

/welcomemute off

/welcomemute no

Configuring Automatic Verification

What if a user just doesn't see the message or button? No problem at all! If a user still hasn't pressed the “unmute” button after a certain amount of time, you can have Rose automatically unmute them. This means they'll automatically be unmuted after this amount of time. To configure this, issue the below command:

/welcomemutetime <time>

The <time> argument can be set to any of the below:

Option Description

Xm Unmutes the user after X minutes

Xh Unmutes the user after X hours

Xd Unmutes the user after X days

Xw Unmutes the user after X weeks

Example Scenario

If you wanted to unmute a new user after 12 hours, you would issue the below command:

/welcomemutetime 12h

Follow this below guide to successfully use Rose fully in your group and channel.

After you have successfully added Rose Bot to your group and gave it admin rights in your channel or group,

Head to where you write messages and start the bot inside your group by sending this command.


A message with two click baits attached will be displayed. 

Then choose settings from there by just tapping on it.

It will tell you either to open it there in the group or to open in private chat but I would advise you to use the first button which commands you to open in private chat.

Select go to chat by clicking there .

A list of the functions in terms of click baits will be displayed so it's up to you to choose which services you want this bot to help you on.

The list will appear as shown below.

Specifically in this post let us first get the new member welcome message in our group.

From the list of those buttons just go ahead to welcome and click on it.

It is turned off by default but just tap on turn on button and it will display active in green icon in the above message.

After turning it on just go on and head to customize message by tapping there on that button in the second row.

Choose the type of text you would wish this bot to display as welcome message and configure it manually.

Then finally to configure the welcome message manually head to your group and write the message as.

/setwelcome HI {fullname}

    WELCOME TO   Name your group

And to add a button attached to your welcome message displayed by Rose just use this format below and you have to configure it manually by writing in the welcome message but you have to code it as below.


Send this message in the above format in your telegram group.

Finally the bot have been configured in your group to welcome members by a welcome message.

It will prompt you to click you to prove admin to function then click on it.