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Upload Mp3 Files to Blogger | How to Add an MP3 Audio Player to Blogger.(Updated)

Adding mp3 player in blogger is not very simple but am going to summarize into simple steps and help you with examples on how you will do the process. 

Blogger, a popular blogging platform owned by Google, does not have a builtin audio player feature. However, you can embed audio players from external sources like SoundCloud or YouTube into your Blogger posts. Here's how you can do it:

Using SoundCloud:

1. Upload your audio to SoundCloud if it's not already there.

2. Get the embed code:

    Go to your SoundCloud track.

    Click the "Share" button below the track.

    Click on the "Embed" tab.

    Customize the player options (autoplay, show artwork, etc.) as needed.

    Copy the provided embed code.

3. Add the SoundCloud embed code to your Blogger post:

    In the Blogger post editor, switch to HTML mode.

    Paste the SoundCloud embed code where you want the audio player to appear.

4. Switch back to the Compose mode to see the embedded SoundCloud player in your post.

Using YouTube:

1. Upload your audio to YouTube if it's not already there. You can use a still image or a simple video with the audio track.

2. Get the embed code:

    Go to your YouTube video.

    Click the "Share" button below the video.

    Click on the "Embed" tab.

    Customize the player options (autoplay, show video title, etc.) as needed.

    Copy the provided embed code.

3. Add the YouTube embed code to your Blogger post:

    In the Blogger post editor, switch to HTML mode.

    Paste the YouTube embed code where you want the audio player to appear.

4. Switch back to the Compose mode to see the embedded YouTube player in your post.

These instructions are based on the capabilities available as of now Blogger's features may change with time or be updated or changed since, so you may want to check Blogger's official documentation or support resources for any new audio player options that will be  introduced by that time.

You can embed an mp3 player using both SoundCloud and Youtube in a blogger post so you have to follow this procedure to implement it.

Using SoundCloud:

<! Replace the "EMBED_CODE_FROM_SOUNDCLOUD" with the actual embed code from SoundCloud >
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=EMBED_CODE_FROM_SOUNDCLOUD"></iframe>

Replace EMBED_CODE_FROM_SOUNDCLOUD with the actual SoundCloud embed code you obtained from your SoundCloud track.

Using YouTube:

<! Replace the "EMBED_CODE_FROM_YOUTUBE" with the actual embed code from YouTube >
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EMBED_CODE_FROM_YOUTUBE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Replace EMBED_CODE_FROM_YOUTUBE with the actual YouTube embed code you obtained from your YouTube video.

Here's how you can use these code snippets in your Blogger post:

1. Open your Blogger post editor.

2. Create a new post or edit an existing one.

3. Switch to HTML mode in the editor.

4. Paste the appropriate code snippet (either the SoundCloud or YouTube code) where you want the audio player to appear in your post.

5. Switch back to the Compose mode to see the embedded audio player.

These code snippets will embed the audio player in your Blogger post, allowing your readers to listen to the audio directly from your blog post.

If this becomes abit complicated check out these alternative below and successfully implement it using these methods below.

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Blogger does not have a builtin audio player feature, and you cannot directly upload and host MP3 files on Blogger. However, you can embed an MP3 audio player from an external source such as Google Drive or a thirdparty service that offers audio hosting. Here's how to do it:

Option 1: Embed MP3 Audio Player from Google Drive:

1. Upload your MP3 file to Google Drive:

  • Go to Google Drive (drive.google.com) and sign in with your Google account.
  • Click the "+ New" button and select "File upload."
  • Upload your MP3 file to Google Drive.

2. Share the MP3 file:

    Rightclick on the uploaded MP3 file and select "Share."

    Set the sharing options to "Anyone with the link" or "Public" to ensure that anyone can access the file.

3. Get the sharing link:

    After sharing, click on "Copy link" to get the shareable link.

4. Create an HTML link to the MP3 file:

    In your Blogger post editor, switch to HTML mode.

    Create a link to the MP3 file using the following HTML code:

 <a href="LINK_TO_GOOGLE_DRIVE_MP3" target="_blank">Listen to MP3</a>

   Replace LINK_TO_GOOGLE_DRIVE_MP3 with the actual shareable link you copied from Google Drive.

5. Save and publish your Blogger post: Switch back to the Compose mode and save your post. Visitors can now click the "Listen to MP3" link to play the audio.

Option 2: Use a ThirdParty Audio Hosting Service:

There are various thirdparty audio hosting services that allow you to upload MP3 files and provide you with embeddable players. Here's a general process:

1. Choose a thirdparty audio hosting service (e.g., SoundCloud, Mixcloud, Podbean, etc.) and create an account if needed.

2. Upload your MP3 file to the chosen service and follow their instructions to make the file public or shareable.

3. Get the embed code provided by the audio hosting service. This code typically includes an HTML snippet to embed the audio player.

4. Paste the embed code into your Blogger post:

    In the Blogger post editor, switch to HTML mode.

    Paste the embed code where you want the audio player to appear.

5. Switch back to the Compose mode to see the embedded audio player.

You can customis the display of your player by implementing the CSS code below to your theme code.

To customize the display of an MP3 player in Blogger and make it responsive, you can use CSS to style the player's appearance and ensure it adapts to different screen sizes. Here's an example of CSS code that you can add to your Blogger template or inline within a specific post to customize the appearance of your MP3 player:

/ Style for the MP3 player container /

.audiocontainer {

maxwidth: 100%; / Ensures the player fits within its parent container /

margin: 0 auto; / Centeralign the player /

padding: 10px; / Add some padding for spacing /

textalign: center; / Centeralign the player content /


/ Style for the embedded audio player /

.audioplayer {

width: 100%; / Make the player responsive within its container /

maxwidth: 400px; / Limit the player's maximum width for larger screens /

backgroundcolor: #f0f0f0; / Background color for the player /

border: 1px solid #ddd; / Add a border for visual separation /

padding: 10px; / Add padding around the player /

borderradius: 5px; / Round the corners of the player /


/ Style for audio player controls (play, pause, volume, etc.) /

.audiocontrols {

margintop: 10px; / Add spacing between the player and controls /


/ Style for audio player text (track title, artist, etc.) /

.audiotext {

fontsize: 16px;

margintop: 5px;


/ Style for responsive design /

@media screen and (maxwidth: 600px) {

.audioplayer {

maxwidth: 100%; / Fullwidth for smaller screens /



To use this CSS code in your Blogger post or template:

1. In the Blogger post editor, create or edit a blog post.

2. Switch to the HTML mode of the post editor.

3. Insert your MP3 player's HTML code, following the methods mentioned earlier in this conversation.

4. Below or above the HTML code for your MP3 player, add a <style> tag to include the CSS code. For example:

/ Paste the CSS code here /

5. Customise the CSS code to match your preferred styling, such as adjusting colors, fonts, padding, and margins to suit your blog's design.

6. Switch back to the Compose mode of the post editor to preview your styled MP3 player.

By adding this responsive CSS code, your MP3 player should adapt to various screen sizes while maintaining a consistent and visually appealing appearance on your Blogger blog.

Adding an MP3 audio player to your Blogger blog can be useful to your users in several ways:

1. Enhanced Content: Audio players allow you to enrich your blog posts with audio content. This can be useful for sharing music, podcasts, interviews, speeches, sound effects, or any audiobased content that complements your written articles.

2. Better User Experience: Providing an embedded audio player directly within your blog post improves the overall user experience. Visitors don't have to leave your blog to listen to audio content on external platforms, making it more convenient and engaging.

3. Accessibility: Audio content can make your blog more accessible to a wider audience, including those who prefer listening over reading or individuals with visual impairments.

4. Variety of Content: It diversifies your content offerings, catering to different learning styles and preferences. Some people prefer to consume information through audio rather than text.

5. Convenience: Users can easily control playback, pause, rewind, or fast forward the audio content directly within your blog post, giving them control over their listening experience.

6. Engagement: Audio can increase user engagement. If you're hosting a podcast, for example, having an embedded player allows users to easily access your episodes, potentially keeping them on your blog for longer periods.

7. Educational Content: If you're providing tutorials, lectures, or educational content, an audio player can help users follow along more effectively, especially when you're explaining complex concepts.

8. Entertainment: For blogs related to entertainment, music, or storytelling, an embedded audio player can offer a more immersive experience, allowing users to enjoy the content without leaving your site.

9. Shareability: Users can easily share your audio content with others by sharing the link to your blog post, helping you reach a wider audience.

10. Brand Identity: If you have branded audio content, such as a jingle or signature sound, having an audio player on your blog can reinforce your brand identity.

Adding an MP3 audio player to your Blogger blog can improve user engagement, offer content variety, enhance accessibility, and provide a more convenient and immersive experience for your visitors. However, it's important to ensure that the audio content you provide aligns with your blog's theme and audience interests to maximize its usefulness.

While adding an MP3 audio player to your Blogger blog can provide benefits, there are also potential disadvantages for users that you should consider:

1. Slow Page Load Times: Embedding audio files can increase the size of your web page, leading to longer loading times. Users with slow internet connections or limited data plans may find this frustrating.

2. Automatic Playback: If you set your audio player to autoplay when the page loads, it can be disruptive and annoying to users who weren't expecting it. Autoplay should be used sparingly and with consideration for user preferences.

3. Noise and Distraction: For some users, audio playing in the background can be distracting, especially if they're trying to read other content on your blog. It may lead to a poor user experience.

4. Accessibility Issues: Users with hearing impairments or those in environments where they can't play audio may be excluded from accessing your content if it relies heavily on audio. It's important to provide text alternatives for audio content.

5. Bandwidth Consumption: Streaming audio consumes data, and some users may be on limited data plans. Highquality audio files can also be dataintensive, which may lead to unexpected data usage for mobile users.

6. Incompatibility: Some browsers or devices may not fully support the audio player you've embedded. Users might encounter compatibility issues, preventing them from playing the audio.

7. Privacy Concerns: Users may have concerns about their privacy, especially if the audio player is embedded from a thirdparty service. They may worry about data tracking or security issues.

8. Technical Issues: Audio players can sometimes encounter technical problems, such as buffering or playback errors, which can frustrate users.

9. Page Clutter: If your blog contains multiple audio players or too many multimedia elements, it can make the page look cluttered and confusing.

10. Content Appropriateness: If you're embedding audio content that's not suitable for all audiences (e.g., explicit language, sensitive topics), it could alienate or offend some users.

To mitigate these disadvantages and ensure a positive user experience, consider the following best practices:

 Provide clear controls for users to play, pause, and adjust the volume of audio content.

 Avoid autoplay unless it's essential, and always give users the option to start the audio manually.

 Offer textbased alternatives or transcripts for audio content to ensure accessibility.

 Optimize audio files for the web to reduce their size and improve page load times.

 Test your audio player across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.

 Use audio sparingly and ensure it adds value to your content without overwhelming or distracting users.

Balancing the benefits of audio content with the potential drawbacks is crucial to creating a positive user experience on your Blogger blog.